Teleneurology Services
Our team of board certified Neurologists provide TeleNeurology services and Neurological encounters for emergencies such as strokes, Epilepsy and other Neurological disorders 24*7*365.

Services Provided
- Stroke evaluation
- Neurological emergency consultations
- EEG interpretive services
- Accreditations and training services to certify as a Primary Stroke Center
Users of this service
- ER Centers
- Inpatient Unit
- Critical Access Hospitals
- Urgent Care Centers
How It Works
You call our Support center → Our staff connects with our Neurologist → CT/MRI reviewed by our Neurologist → Our Neurologist discusses the case with attending Physician → Neurologist examines the patient over video → Diagnosis report sent to facility
Next Steps: Agreement → Kick-off Call → IT Setup → Training → Test Run → Go Live
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