How Diagnostic Imaging Centers Can Benefit from Teleradiology

It’s safe to say that every medical professional wants the best care and treatment for their patients. From the time a patient steps foot into a medical facility to the time he or she leaves, accuracy and timeliness are key factors in their treatment plans. But what if those two things weren’t available right away? At a diagnostic imaging center, patients put their trust into the qualified and knowledgeable team that captures and interprets the images of their bodies. With current technologies, imaging centers can do all of this on site, but what if there was an even more efficient way? Many diagnostic imaging centers, hospitals, urgent care and medical facilities are choosing teleradiology, a digital outsourcing of medical images to remote locations, and there’s a few reasons why.


In an article published by Science Direct, teleradiology is growing in popularity for many medical offices, hospitals, and imaging centers across the country. With the use of electronic transmission of images, x-rays, MRIs, CT scans and other specialty images can be shared to a radiologist on the spot. Because of a shortage in radiologists across the country, and globally, says Radiology Society of North America, there aren’t enough specialists to fulfill patient needs, especially those with specific needs, such as pediatric or neuro-radiology. There has been a long term burnout from COVID19 for many medical professionals, especially radiologists, and medical facilities have become creative with their job listings, making them a hybrid of in-house and remote work. Their hope is that these types of jobs will be more appealing, making teleradiology even stronger.


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A radiologist reviews an x-ray


Teleradiology alleviates the need for a radiologist to be in the room with the patient, and allows for interpretation, collaboration, or education of an image at any time, day or night. When a patient needs a radiologist immediately, an image can be sent to a professional via LAN line, across states, or across the country for input. This kind of technology eliminates worry about staff shortages and time zones, when many emergencies could occur.  It also eliminates the need for specialists to relocate, as many rural medical facilities do not have access to radiologists on demand, according to The National Library of Medicine. During medical emergencies, difficult cases, or a time-sensitive diagnosis, as many are, teleradiology makes the process speedier than ever before.

Economically, teleradiology is a great choice as well, for both medical facilities and patients. The cost of having a radiologist on staff could be very expensive, however, with teleradiology, the cost dramatically drops because the medical institution is only charged per exam. In an article published by News Medical Life Sciences, teleradiology is an effective way to provide high-quality specialized services to patients that may not have access to them otherwise.

When choosing the technologies to provide to patients, a diagnostic imaging center may benefit the most from teleradiology, where patients can count on the speed and excellence of not only the healthcare staff present, but the specialists working hard on their cases from everywhere else.

Award-Winning Teleradiology Company: Vesta

With Vesta Teleradiology, we work alongside your team to provide accurate interpretations. Additionally, Vesta works with you in terms of the style and format of the interpretation report adapting to your center’s interpretive mode.

Why Hire a Teleradiology Company? The Benefits of Teleradiology

Teleradiology is an industry on the rise. Reports from Emergen Research project that the industry’s market size will reach $40 billion globally by 2028.

But why are so many medical clinics adopting teleradiology? It’s because this type of imaging offers many significant benefits. Today, let’s discuss just a few ways that teleradiology can benefit your practice.

How Teleradiology Helps Patients

Medical professionals have long been advocating for teleradiology as a tool to make healthcare more accessible. In fact, medical journals were promoting radiology as long ago as the 1980s!


One of the main arguments for teleradiology is the potential to expand your patient network, particularly in rural areas. Teleradiologists don’t need to travel to a hospital or physician’s office to read an image, which means rural hospitals can diagnose patients faster and more effectively.

In addition to the opportunity to work with more patients, the reality is that telehealth — including teleradiology — is becoming widely accepted by patients. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many patients to try this method of care for the first time, and the reception was generally positive. Today, many Americans favor telemedicine — in fact, 35% say they would consider replacing their primary care doctor with a telehealth physician!


Hiring a teleradiology company gives your office the opportunity to impact more patients’ lives than ever before.

How Teleradiology Helps Hospitals

It’s no secret that the medical industry is in the midst of a labor shortage, and radiology is no exception. In the next decade, the United States is expected to have a shortage of 17,000-42,000 radiologists! Teleradiology can help lessen this burden. By working with a teleradiology company, you have access to diagnostic imaging even if your facility doesn’t have a radiologist on staff.

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Teleradiology reviews an x-ray image


Additionally teleradiology companies can help keep your costs low. When you work with a teleradiology company, your costs are drastically reduced. Teleradiologists can access images from anywhere, so there’s no need to pay for travel expenses or hire a full-time, in-house employee. You can get the same quality patient diagnostics with far less overhead.


It is clear that teleradiology is a benefit to patients and physicians alike — which means it is very likely the future of healthcare. Hiring a teleradiology company for your practice will allow you to serve patients in a faster, economical, and more accessible way.

 Vesta Teleradiology

Contact Vesta to learn more about how teleradiology can help your practice today.

Benefits of Teleradiology Services for Urgent Care Facilities

Urgent care facility service use has increased substantially in recent years. Urgent care services’ popularity has provided conveniences and cost reductions of medical care needs.

When a patient enters an urgent care facility, the treating provider determines if radiology services will aid in the diagnosis and treatment plan for the patient. A medical assistant or radiology technician will then use the equipment to produce the radiological images.  

Once the technician creates the radiological images, the treating provider will view and diagnose or send the images to an expert at the teleradiology service contracted with the facility.

Broken bones are not the only reason an urgent care patient may access care at a convenient, local care medical facility. Patients arrive at the facilities for possible strokes, abdominal obstructions, complex pediatric ailments, and other health conditions. Expert radiological assessments can be crucial in practical and immediate treatment.

When a patient who needs radiology services accesses an urgent care facility, fast and professional analysis is essential for effective treatment. 

Teleradiology services have fit in nicely with the goals and objectives of the urgent care facilities for various reasons. Not all patients accessing urgent care need radiology services. Although the service can be life-saving if required, the low rate of use does not warrant the staffing of a full-time radiologist at each facility.

Contracting radiology services for these facilities allows a full-time expert to be available at all times, and these cost savings of a full-time employee are significant.

Teleradiology services allow a physician to access experts anywhere in the country. The pool of providers is not only available at any time, but a radiology expert’s conclusive reports can be sent securely and quickly. 

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A radiologist reviews an x-ray

If the treating physician has questions about any findings, the radiology expert is easy to reach. This convenience is also possible if the patient or physician requests a second opinion on the results.

With the convenience of radiological expertise availability, urgent care providers can also reduce their professional liability. Providers creating treatment plans for various injuries and symptoms can benefit an urgent care facility contracted with a teleradiological service. Many teleradiology service companies provide a resource for physician consultation. 

Choosing a Teleradiology Company for Your Hospital

Contracting with a teleradiology service can reduce liability for the urgent care facility while increasing and maintaining an excellent public reputation.

The medical care profession has changed drastically over the years, and so have the healthcare consumers. Consumers expect better service, insurance companies expect more conservative costs, and treating physicians need fast results with less liability.

Teleradiology fits nicely into the niche of urgent care facilities because it fits all the criteria of a rapidly changing medical system structure. Teleradiology can be a crucial component for a clinic to provide an ideal service of expert care at an exceptional value.

Teleradiology: Best Providers

Vesta has been providing expert radiology services for over 15 years. We use state of the art technology to streamline your workflow and provide stat readings whenever required. Whether you operate an urgent care center or a private practice our US Board Certified Radiologists are here to help you literally 24×7, even on weekends and nights.


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Teleradiologists review an x-ray


Please contact us for a custom proposal and a complimentary overview of our services and technology.

Benefits of Teleradiology

Teleradiology Benefits

Teleradiology–what an innovative solution for healthcare providers and patients alike! You can simply think of teleradiology like having a radiologist on-call 24/7 for reading and interpreting all types of scans: MRIs, X-rays, CTs, DEXA, PET, DR, mammograms and other images.

What’s more, is that teleradiology enhances the level of patient care and support, because it allows radiologists to extend their expertise to patients and physicians without having to be physically there with them.

Teleradiology is efficient and cost-effective! Save on administrative costs associated with in-house radiology like travel and printing.

 A Partnership in Healthcare

Teleradiology offers chances for medical professionals to partner with one another when barriers of physical distance are present, allowing for substantial professional input regarding various diagnoses and symptoms.

A teleradiology company like Vesta can work specifically with each healthcare facility–be it a hospital, outpatient imaging center, assisted living facility or mobile imaging provider–to offer cost-effective and customizable solutions.

benefits of teleradiologists

Burnout, Retirement and Staff Shortage

We’re noticing specifically that the pandemic pushed many radiologists to retirement. Many hospital and outpatient systems have consolidated their radiology departments which prevents radiologists from providing services outside the system.

What’s more is that the stress healthcare workers feel can mount and burnout results. This can lead to mental health issues and even failure to properly read scans.

burnout radiologist
Mental health and physicians

Where can Vesta Teleradiology help? We offer consultation for all imaging modalities and we can deliver reports with fast turnaround for both STAT and Routine studies.

Your staff is important–they don’t always work around the clock and shouldn’t have to. With our teleradiology services, we fill in those gaps whether it’s during night hours, weekends, holidays–we provide 24x7x365 services. Nighthawk teleradiology coverage allows us to deliver the information your patients need and deserve.