History of the IHS: Indian Health Services

When experts study health across various U.S. demographics, one particular metric often falls into sharp relief: there is a significant health burden weighing on American Indians and Alaska Natives. The AI/AN population accounts for about 9.7 million people in the United States (about 2.9% of the population), and this group routinely ranks near the bottom for life expectancy, insurance coverage, and overall health (both mental and physical).

About 2.6 million of AI/AN people receive healthcare services from the IHS, or Indian Health Services. This program aims (to use their own words), “to raise the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health of American Indians and Alaska Natives to the highest level,” but is the program succeeding? Let’s examine the IHS and its mission, challenges, and efficacy.

The IHS Story

While the U.S. government and federally recognized tribes have worked in partnership to provide AI/AN people with healthcare since the 1700s, the IHS officially began its work in July of 1955. The organization first worked to build hospitals in remote parts of the country that served Native individuals in the area; over the years, the IHS has expanded its efforts to include both health services and public health education.

Today, the IHS is a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. They operate more than 600 medical facilities on or near Indian reservations across 37 states, and they also work to tackle challenges impacting AI/AN public health.

Challenges Facing the IHS

There’s no arguing that the IHS has laudable goals and that its team of 15,000 employees works hard to improve AI/AN lives. But IHS still faces significant challenges in its efforts. Research shows that about 61% of IHS medical buildings are in “fair” or “poor” conditions, which severely limits medical professionals’ ability to treat their patients. Similarly, many IHS facilities report working with broken or unreliable equipment, which affects the standard of care they can provide.

Furthermore, many IHS buildings are located in remote, rural locations with few amenities like grocery stores, schools, or even adequate housing. This makes recruiting and retaining medical staff especially difficult and limits the pool of quality professionals willing to practice in their network (notably, 50-75% of physicians who contact IHS recruiters have conduct or licensure issues on their record).


Despite these challenges, the IHS continues to make changes that benefit AI/AN peoples across the country. For example, in 2022 the IHS fought to secure $3.5 billion in funding from the government that allowed them to improve water supplies and wastewater disposal systems on tribal lands. Efforts like these help American Indians and Alaskan Natives improve their health and enjoy a better quality of life, and they prove that organizations like the IHS offer a tremendous benefit to the people they serve.


Teleradiology Support for IHS

Ensuring all populations in the US receive adequate care is the goal of your healthcare facility. Vesta is here should you find yourself short staffed for radiologists—we have U.S. Board certified radiologists available for preliminary and final interpretations whenever you need it. In fact, Vesta is already proving teleradiology services to several IHS sites.  Please reach out to us to learn more:


Vesta Teleradiology 1071 S. Sun Dr. Suite 2001 Lake Mary, FL, 32746
Phone: 877-55-VESTA


How to Pick the Best Teleradiology Company

As the demand for healthcare services continues to surge and the shortage of healthcare workers persists, particularly in specialized fields, such as radiology, hospitals and healthcare centers find themselves facing the challenge of ensuring timely and accurate interpretations of medical imaging studies. The critical role of radiologists in diagnosing illnesses and guiding treatment decisions underscores the urgency of addressing this shortage. In response, many institutions are turning to teleradiology companies to bridge the gap and provide remote interpretation services. However, selecting the right teleradiology company is paramount to ensure high-quality patient care and seamless integration into existing workflows. In this discussion, we will explore the criteria for choosing a reputable teleradiology company, considering factors such as expertise, technology infrastructure, turnaround time, and adherence to regulatory standards. By making informed decisions in this regard, healthcare facilities can optimize their radiology services and meet the needs of patients efficiently.

remote radiology company
Rad tech and radiologist

Checklist for Choosing a Teleradiology Partner

Before selecting a teleradiology company, healthcare providers should consider several key factors to ensure they choose a partner that meets their needs and maintains high standards of service. Here are some important considerations:

  1. Quality and Expertise: Assess the qualifications and experience of the radiologists employed by the teleradiology company. Look for board-certified radiologists with expertise in relevant subspecialties. A recent survey of 2,749 radiologists from 108 countries reveals that while they read across almost five subspecialties daily, many lack confidence in certain areas. About 40% accept studies across all specialties, but less than half feel “very confident” in their current subspecialty, so it is vital to ensure the radiologists you work with have expertise in what you require.
  2. Technology and Infrastructure: Evaluate the teleradiology company’s technology infrastructure, including the software used for image transmission and reporting. Compatibility with existing systems and the ability to securely transmit images while maintaining patient privacy are crucial considerations.
  3. Turnaround Time: Timeliness is critical in radiology reporting. Consider the teleradiology company’s turnaround time for providing interpretations. Ideally, they should offer rapid reporting to facilitate prompt patient care and treatment decisions.
  4. 24/7 Availability: Healthcare facilities may require radiology services round-the-clock. Ensure that the teleradiology company offers 24/7 coverage (like at Vesta Teleradiology) to accommodate emergencies and provide continuous support.
  5. Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication between the teleradiology company and the healthcare facility is essential. Evaluate the company’s communication protocols, including how they handle urgent findings and facilitate collaboration between radiologists and onsite clinicians.
  6. Regulatory Compliance: Verify that the teleradiology company complies with all relevant regulatory standards, such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations for patient data protection. They should also adhere to industry standards for image quality and reporting accuracy.Regulatory compliance
  7. Scalability and Flexibility: Consider the scalability of the teleradiology service to accommodate fluctuations in imaging volumes. Additionally, assess their flexibility in tailoring services to meet the specific needs of your healthcare facility.
  8. Cost and Value: While cost is a factor, prioritize value over price alone. Evaluate the overall value proposition of the teleradiology company, considering factors such as quality, reliability, and the ability to improve patient outcomes.

By thoroughly evaluating these factors and conducting due diligence, healthcare providers can make an informed decision when choosing a teleradiology company, ultimately enhancing the quality and efficiency of radiology services within their organization.

Partnering with a Top US Teleradiology Company—Vesta

Vesta serves as your dependable ally in radiology, extending support to various subspecialties—whether you’re a busy urban hospital or a private practice. We ensure swift processing for both urgent and routine studies. Recognizing the value of your staff’s time and well-being, our teleradiology services enable them to maintain a healthier work-life balance by covering shifts during nights, weekends, and holidays. We can also accommodate any volumes so please reach out to us to learn more.





A Tale of Two Studies: Are Doctors Fulfilling too Many Imaging Requests?

A recent qualitative study aimed to investigate the factors influencing general practitioners’ (GPs) decisions to fulfill patient requests for imaging studies during clinical consultations. Ten GPs from private medical centers in Northwest Sydney were interviewed, and their perspectives were analyzed through content analysis. On the other side of the spectrum, we explore an American study that reveals the importance of encouraging more people to undergo screenings.

Patient Imaging Requests

The study revealed six key themes that emerged from the interviews regarding GPs fulfilling patient imaging requests:

Patient Expectations: Patients’ desires and expectations played a significant role in GPs’ decisions to fulfill imaging requests. Some patients expected certain tests due to their health concerns or beliefs.

‘Therapeutic Scans’: GPs recognized that some patients viewed imaging scans as a form of reassurance or therapeutic action. This influenced GPs to fulfill requests to alleviate patient anxiety.

“I find X-rays have become a therapeutic requirement, [and] that their [patients’] problem often dissipates once the request is given. (Female, 40)”

‘Impressive Labels’: The use of serious-sounding terms in imaging reports contributed to patients’ perception of the severity of their condition. This, in turn, led to increased requests for such scans.

Entitlement: Some patients exhibited an attitude of entitlement, expecting imaging scans without sufficient medical justification. GPs were more likely to decline such requests, especially during initial visits.

Defensive Medicine: GPs expressed concerns about potential legal repercussions if they refused imaging requests. Fear of litigation influenced GPs to fulfill requests to avoid legal issues.

‘New Patients’: GPs were cautious about fulfilling imaging requests from new patients, as they needed time to establish trust and assess the necessity of the requested scans.

The study concluded that GPs faced challenges in balancing their role as gatekeepers of imaging with patient expectations. Clear guidelines, patient education, and GP training were suggested as potential strategies to manage patient expectations and provide appropriate care. The study sheds light on the complexities of patient-GP interactions regarding imaging requests and highlights the need for evidence-based strategies to navigate these challenges. The study was conducted within the Australian Medicare system, where medical imaging is relatively accessible and affordable, and the findings contribute to understanding the dynamics of patient-GP interactions in this context.

Cancer Screenings Saves Millions of Years of Life

Meanwhile an American study conducted by teams from the University of Chicago, University of Michigan, and study sponsor Grail LLC estimates that Americans have gained an additional 12 million years of life due to preventive cancer screenings over the past 25 years, leading to an economic impact of around $6.5 trillion. These screenings, targeting early signs of breast, colon, cervical, and lung cancers among high-risk adults, emphasize the importance of encouraging more individuals to undergo recommended cancer checks and exploring novel screening methods. The study suggests that if all eligible individuals received current screening for these cancers, it could save an extra 3.3 million life-years and add $1.7 trillion in economic impact.



The research utilized a mathematical model to assess the impact of cancer screenings endorsed by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). This federally authorized panel evaluates evidence for preventive medical services and provides recommendations using letter grades. Since 2010, screenings with “A” or “B” grades have been covered by most insurances without patient costs under the Affordable Care Act.

Although screenings for breast, colorectal, cervical, and lung cancers have saved millions of life-years, their full potential remains untapped. The majority of life-years saved and economic impact come from cervical cancer screening due to its early and consistent screening intervals for individuals aged 18-65. However, the study acknowledges that the availability of the HPV vaccine since 2006 could affect the future value of cervical cancer screening.

While there are validated screening tests lacking for many cancer types, decreased death rates from cancers with available screenings have contributed to the overall reduction in U.S. cancer deaths. To establish more broadly validated cancer screenings, further research is needed, potentially evaluated by the USPSTF. Novel screening tools like blood tests for multiple cancer types are in development, but AI-based tests have yet to undergo review by relevant bodies for efficacy and recommendations.



Growth in Demand for Imaging Procedures Will Increase Need for Teleradiology

The healthcare market is experiencing a shift towards outpatient care, driven by reimbursement changes, pandemic effects, and patient preferences, particularly prominent in the U.S. Providers are diversifying into sub-specializations like neurology and oncology, raising the demand for advanced imaging like MRI and CT. This trend has led to increased utilization of outpatient imaging and teleradiology services.

By the NuMbers

Diagnostic imaging is becoming increasingly crucial in healthcare, with the market projected to reach $31.9bn in 2023 and grow at a 4.8% CAGR to $45.8bn in 2030. The rise is driven by chronic diseases, an aging population, and post-Covid-19 demand recovery. To meet this demand, companies are focusing on advanced and accessible technologies, such as handheld ultrasounds. About 1,949 imaging devices are in development, with 112 expected to gain approval in 2023.

imaging device

According to Fortune Business Insights, in 2022, the computed tomography (CT) segment held the largest market share due to a rise in CT scan procedures and higher average pricing. For instance, OECD data for 2021 showed 84.5 million CT scan procedures in the U.S., up by 15.8% from the previous year. The growing geriatric population has also contributed to increased demand for CT scans.

Key Players

Key players include GE Healthcare, Philips, Siemens Healthineers, and more. Challenges include high equipment costs and a shortage of skilled personnel, impacting accessibility and patient care quality. Opportunities arise from the growing demand for imaging services, especially for chronic diseases, and the development of new modalities like 3D mammography and MRI-guided focused ultrasound. Emerging economies like India, China, and Brazil are pivotal, driven by rising chronic diseases. Major players like Siemens Healthineers are expanding in these markets. Additionally, teaching hospitals are increasing demand for advanced imaging methods to enhance patient care.

Your Dedicated Radiology Partner: Vesta

Partnering with Vesta as your radiology partner ensures access to accurate and timely imaging interpretations and readings for subspecialties. Whether you are an outpatient imaging center or traditional hospital, our collaboration offers a seamless and efficient experience. Trust us to be your reliable radiology partner, empowering you with the insights and tools needed for improved healthcare outcomes.


radiology peer reviewSources:



Mammography: Is AI Better than Humans?

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has made remarkable strides in revolutionizing the landscape of the medical field, offering unprecedented opportunities for enhanced patient care, diagnosis, and treatment. From accelerating the analysis of medical imagery to predicting disease outcomes with unparalleled accuracy, AI-powered technologies have swiftly established themselves as indispensable tools for healthcare professionals. Beyond diagnostics, AI has played a pivotal role in drug discovery, streamlining clinical trials, and personalizing patient interventions. As AI continues to evolve, its potential to transform healthcare systems globally is becoming increasingly evident, promising not only improved medical outcomes but also cost-effective solutions and optimized resource allocation. The fusion of AI’s computational prowess with medical expertise heralds a new era of medical advancements that hold the potential to alleviate the burden on healthcare systems, save lives, and redefine the standards of patient well-being.

In the United States alone, it is estimated that around 40 million mammograms were performed each year. Mammograms are crucial as they are the primary method for early detection of breast cancer, enabling timely intervention and improving survival rates. By detecting small abnormalities and tumors that may not be palpable, mammograms help identify potential breast cancer cases in their earliest stages, allowing for more effective and less invasive treatment options.

Abnormal mammogram

Radiologists often find themselves overwhelmed due to the increasing volume of medical images requiring analysis, coupled with a shortage of radiology specialists. The demand for accurate and timely diagnoses, especially in fields like mammography, can lead to extended work hours and heightened stress levels among radiologists. Introducing AI technologies can alleviate this burden by assisting in image analysis, enabling radiologists to focus on complex cases and ensuring more efficient patient care.

How AI Helps in Mammography

A recent study published in The Lancet Oncology suggests that artificial intelligence (AI) may outperform trained doctors in detecting breast cancer from mammogram images. Mammograms face challenges due to factors like breast density, leading to missed cancer cases. The study analyzed 80,000 mammograms from Swedish women, finding that AI-assisted readings detected 20% more cancers compared to human radiologists. While not a standalone solution, AI could alleviate doctors’ workloads, enhancing accuracy without increasing false negatives. Despite FDA-approved AI technologies, integration with conventional methods is likely, aiding radiologists in managing a growing workload. The balance between AI and human expertise remains essential, ensuring optimal patient care and early cancer detection.

Healthcare experts, including the NHS and the Royal College of Radiologists, acknowledge AI’s promise in enhancing efficiency, decision-making, and prioritizing critical cases.


Vesta Teleradiology

AI applied to diagnostic imaging holds the potential to significantly enhance the level of patient care. We eagerly anticipate further progress in this field. However, we maintain the viewpoint that presently, no machine can effectively substitute for the expertise of a skilled human observer for interpretations. At Vesta, we offer the services of radiologists who are US Board Certified, dedicated to delivering precise preliminary and final analyses. Discover how we can bolster your radiology department by reaching out to us today.





Healthcare Burnout: Update for 2023

Burnout in the medical setting refers to a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion experienced by healthcare professionals. It arises from chronic and excessive stress caused by demanding work environments, long hours, high patient loads, and the emotional toll of dealing with patient suffering. Symptoms of burnout include feelings of cynicism, detachment from work, reduced sense of accomplishment, and a decline in professional performance. Burnout not only impacts the well-being of medical practitioners but can also compromise patient care and safety. It also impacts staffing at all levels in healthcare, from nurses to executives.

What’s Going on Now?

Healthcare employees nationwide have initiated strikes in their efforts to secure better pay and improved staffing conditions in their employment agreements. Additionally, resident physicians are becoming increasingly engaged in labor organizing.

burnt out
A doctor experiences burnout

According to experts, these labor trends will present ongoing challenges to health systems as facilities strive to return to pre-pandemic operations while trying to control the labor costs that escalated last year. The sector is expected to face persistent staffing shortages, particularly among nurses, due to widespread burnout and increased turnover. As a result, healthcare facilities continue to rely on expensive contract labor to fill the gaps in their workforce, even as the rates of severe COVID-19 hospitalizations decline.

Burnout in Radiologists

The “Medscape Physician Burnout & Depression Report 2023: ‘I Cry and No One Cares'” reported that 54 percent of radiologists surveyed felt burned out. Further, just 61% of radiologists said they’re happy or very happy away from work.

Recent data published in the European Journal of Radiology presents the experiences of breast radiologists with burnout during various stages of the COVID pandemic. Surprisingly, the study reveals that, at the height of COVID, many radiologists reported improvements in five out of six common stressors, such as work pace, work-life balance, caregiving responsibilities, and financial strain. However, this relief was short-lived, as patient capacity increased again, leading to a surge in workload, backlogs of studies, and a slight increase in burnout levels compared to before the pandemic.

burnout in healthcare

Addressing Staffing Shortages and Burnout

Addressing burnout is crucial to maintain a healthy healthcare workforce and ensure the delivery of high-quality medical services. Strategies like promoting work-life balance, providing support and resources for stress management, and fostering a positive and supportive work culture are essential to mitigate and prevent burnout in the medical field.

Vesta Teleradiology is your reliable solution for all your healthcare facility’s radiology requirements, whether you require full-time support or coverage during nights and weekends. With over 16 years of dedicated service to diagnostic imaging centers, physician’s offices, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities, we are here to assist you. Get in touch with us today for a quick quote at 1-877-55-VESTA.

Vesta is a highly rated teleradiology service provider.




How Does Working With a Teleradiology Company Enhance Diagnostic Accuracy?

A teleradiology company is a healthcare organization that provides remote radiology services using telecommunication technology. It connects radiologists with healthcare facilities, allowing them to interpret and analyze medical images remotely, regardless of geographical locations. These companies facilitate the transmission of medical images and reports, enabling timely diagnoses, expert consultations, and improved access to radiology services.

Working with a teleradiology company can enhance diagnostic accuracy in several ways

Access to Specialized Radiologists: Teleradiology companies often have a network of highly specialized radiologists who can provide expertise in specific areas, such as musculoskeletal radiology, neuroradiology, or pediatric radiology. This specialization allows for more accurate and precise interpretations of complex cases.

Peer Review and Collaboration

Teleradiology platforms facilitate peer review and collaboration among radiologists. This enables multiple experts to review and discuss challenging cases, leading to a more accurate diagnosis. Radiologists can consult with their peers, share knowledge, and seek second opinions, which can significantly enhance diagnostic accuracy.

Reduced Turnaround Time

Teleradiology companies typically offer quick turnaround times for reporting. Faster access to radiology reports means timely diagnoses, enabling prompt patient management decisions. Rapid reporting reduces the chances of missed diagnoses or delayed treatment, improving overall diagnostic accuracy.

24/7 Coverage

Teleradiology services often provide round-the-clock coverage, allowing healthcare facilities to access radiology expertise at any time, including nights, weekends, and holidays. This availability ensures that critical cases receive immediate attention, leading to accurate and timely diagnoses.

day and night coverage

Subspecialty Interpretations

Teleradiology companies can match specific cases with radiologists who specialize in the relevant subspecialties. This ensures that complex or rare cases are interpreted by radiologists with extensive experience and knowledge in those areas. Subspecialty interpretations enhance diagnostic accuracy by reducing the likelihood of misdiagnosis or overlooking important findings.

Quality Assurance Programs

Teleradiology companies usually have robust quality assurance programs in place. These programs include regular audits, peer reviews, and adherence to strict reporting standards. By maintaining high-quality standards, teleradiology companies ensure accurate and reliable interpretations.

Advanced Technology and Tools

Teleradiology companies often employ advanced technologies and tools to enhance diagnostic accuracy. These include computer-aided detection (CAD) systems, advanced visualization software, and access to a comprehensive database of previous imaging studies for comparison. These tools assist radiologists in identifying subtle abnormalities, improving diagnostic accuracy. Another benefit is that teleradiology offers is the ability for the radiologist to manipulate the images in ways that cannot be achieved solely with film. As a result, it allows for the extraction of additional clinically significant information from the images and leads to more precise diagnoses and clinical decisions.


Vesta Teleradiology: Over 16 Years of Excellence

By leveraging the expertise of specialized board certified radiologists, promoting collaboration, offering fast turnaround times, providing subspecialty interpretations, implementing quality assurance programs, and utilizing advanced technology, teleradiology companies like Vesta can significantly enhance diagnostic accuracy and contribute to improved patient care.



How is Teleradiology and AI Impacting the Medical Industry Today?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the medical industry, transforming the way healthcare is delivered, diagnosed, and managed. With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, AI is reshaping various aspects of healthcare. From aiding in disease diagnosis to personalized treatment recommendations, AI is enhancing the precision and efficiency of medical practices. Moreover, AI-powered technologies are streamlining administrative tasks, optimizing resource allocation, and improving patient outcomes. As AI continues to advance, it holds immense potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery, foster medical innovations, and ultimately improve the quality of patient care on a global scale.

Teleradiology has had a profound impact on healthcare by enabling remote access to radiology expertise, bridging geographical barriers, and ensuring timely diagnoses. It has improved patient care by providing faster turnaround times, facilitating collaboration among radiologists, and increasing access to specialized interpretations, ultimately enhancing diagnostic accuracy and treatment outcomes. Going even further, a latest white paper from One Call describes how teleradiology and AI are helping reduce the strain of the radiology shortage.

artificial intelligence

Teleradiology and AI in Action

Medical imaging vendor, Nanox, is looking to address heath disparities and lack of access care with a new x-ray system which would be offered to countries in Africa, Asian and South American using a pay-per-scan model. The potential of combining cold cathode X-ray technology with teleradiology and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance diagnostic capabilities and improve healthcare economics. Cold cathode X-ray systems offer advantages such as reduced energy consumption and improved image quality. When integrated with teleradiology, these systems can enable remote interpretation of X-rays, leading to faster diagnoses and improved patient care. Additionally, the use of AI algorithms in conjunction with cold cathode X-ray technology has the potential to enhance image analysis, automate certain tasks, and optimize resource allocation, offering cost-saving opportunities in healthcare settings.

diagnostic imaging
A teleradiologist examines a chest x-ray

There are plans to roll out AI-powered teleradiology by the “Screen for Life” program at the Primary Health Care Corporation in Qatar, aimed at early detection and prevention of cancer in the United Arab Emirates. The program plans to utilize AI algorithms to analyze radiology images, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of cancer screening. The integration of AI in teleradiology will help automate image interpretation, expedite diagnoses, and reduce the workload on radiologists. The implementation of AI teleradiology in the “Screen for Life” program is expected to improve cancer detection rates, streamline healthcare processes, and ultimately save lives by identifying cancers at earlier stages.

Vesta Teleradiology

Looking to outsource your radiology interpretations using an expert Teleradiology company that is at the forefront of technology including AI?  Please reach out to Vesta to learn more. Vesta Teleradiology can accommodate any type of volume, large, medium and small.



Why ERs Can See an Influx of Patients this Summer

Emergency rooms (ERs) play a critical and indispensable role in the healthcare system, serving as the front line of medical care for individuals experiencing urgent and life-threatening situations. These bustling hubs of medical expertise and resources are designed to provide immediate and comprehensive care to patients who require immediate attention, regardless of their condition or ability to pay. Emergency rooms act as the safety net for communities, offering round-the-clock access to highly trained healthcare professionals, advanced diagnostic tools, and life-saving interventions. From trauma cases and acute illnesses to critical injuries and emergencies, emergency rooms serve as the gateway to timely and potentially life-saving medical care, ensuring that patients receive the immediate attention they need in their most vulnerable moments.


During the summer months in the United States, emergency rooms tend to see an increase in patient visits due to various reasons. Pew Research states that close to 45,000 people visit U.S. hospital emergency rooms for treatment of injuries each day on July 4 and 5 which are the highest daily numbers in the entire year.

Some common reasons people visit emergency rooms during the summer include:

Heat-Related Illnesses: The hot weather can lead to heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Symptoms may include dehydration, dizziness, nausea, rapid heartbeat, and altered mental status, which may require immediate medical attention.

Trauma from Outdoor Activities: Outdoor recreational activities like hiking, camping, and rock climbing can lead to injuries such as fractures, sprains, cuts, and wounds. Emergency care may be necessary for evaluation, wound management, and potential surgical interventions. This means an increase in imaging procedures like x-rays.

er visits during summertime
Water-related incidents can be more prevalent during summer

Accidents and Injuries: Summer activities and outdoor sports can result in an uptick in accidents and injuries. This includes injuries from water-related activities, such as swimming accidents, diving accidents, near-drownings, and boating accidents, as well as bicycle accidents, falls, and recreational sports injuries.

Allergic Reactions: Summertime brings increased exposure to allergens like pollen, insect bites, and stings. Some individuals may experience severe allergic reactions, such as anaphylaxis, requiring emergency medical care.

Respiratory Issues: People with respiratory conditions, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), may experience exacerbations during the summer due to factors like poor air quality, increased pollen, and higher levels of pollution. These exacerbations can lead to respiratory distress and necessitate emergency care.

Outdoor and Recreational Injuries: With warmer weather, people engage in various outdoor activities, including hiking, biking, swimming, and team sports. These activities can result in injuries such as fractures, sprains, strains, dislocations, and head injuries.


Foodborne Illnesses: Barbecues, picnics, and outdoor gatherings increase the risk of foodborne illnesses due to improper food handling and storage. Severe cases of food poisoning can lead to dehydration and require medical evaluation and treatment.

foodborne illness
ERs can see more patients coming in due to foodborne illnesses

Sunburn and Sun-Related Injuries: Prolonged sun exposure without proper protection can result in sunburn, sun poisoning, and related skin injuries. Severe sunburns may require medical attention to manage pain, prevent infection, and address complications.


Why Staffing is Important

Adequate healthcare staffing is of paramount importance for emergency rooms as it directly impacts the quality and timeliness of care provided to patients in critical situations. Emergency rooms must be adequately staffed with physicians, nurses, and support staff who possess the necessary skills and expertise to handle a wide range of emergencies. The unpredictable nature of emergency room cases, the potential for multiple simultaneous emergencies, and the need for rapid decision-making necessitate a sufficient number of healthcare professionals to ensure efficient triage, timely assessments, and appropriate interventions. With adequate staffing, emergency rooms can effectively manage patient flow, reduce wait times, provide continuous monitoring, and deliver the highest standard of care, ultimately maximizing patient outcomes and saving lives.


Vesta Fills in for Your Radiologists

Whether you have a shortage of radiologists due to a hiring shortage or simply your staff is unavailable nights and weekends, Vesta is here for you. Hospitals and ERs can’t always predict with complete accuracy future patient volume which is where Vesta can help you with the unexpected. Our US Board Certified radiologists can work on-site or remotely for your preliminary and final interpretations.





The Benefits of Teleradiology for Hospitals

The many benefits of teleradiology have become increasingly important to urban and rural hospitals. Not only has the service greatly improved patient care, but it has also been a tremendous cost-saving for hospitals.

Teleradiology transmits X-rays and other diagnostic images from one location to another. The transmission allows medical information to be interpreted or consulted by specialists in the medical field practically anywhere in the world.

hospital radiology
An x-ray of a head


Many medical specialists reside and practice in large cities where the need for their services is in the highest demand. Also, hospitals and research centers in larger populated areas provide more financial support for radiologists’ services and resources, which can increase their productivity and field of study.

Better Patient Care

Teleradiology has torn down social, economic, age-related, and physical barriers to a patient’s ability to receive the best diagnostic care in the shortest possible time. Hospitals near and far have been able to do this by supporting their patients in implementing teleradiology services.

A patient does not need to travel great distances at enormous expense for expert diagnostic opinions any longer. Plus, delayed diagnoses can be critical to a patient’s health and well-being. With teleradiological services, a patient can receive an expert opinion within a short period from their location.

Teleradiology has enhanced a hospital’s emergency care by accessing a cooperating radiologist’s 24-hour/7 days per week availability. Before the technology was available, emergency room staff would need to wake up radiologists at home and request their presence in the hospital. Then the report may not be available for several days.

Teleradiology can greatly enhance emergency care services

Patients can obtain a second opinion for their diagnosis much easier now with teleradiology. A hospital can send records anywhere worldwide at a patient’s request.

It also does not matter the hospital’s social or economic environmental location because all hospitals with the internet have access to highly valued diagnosticians.

Cost Benefits of Teleradiology

One of the most obvious cost benefits of teleradiology services for a hospital is the reduction–and sometimes the elimination–of radiologists. Hospitals can use allotted financial budgets for hands-on patient care.

With the cost savings of reduced staff, the hospital can also invest more money into the equipment for MRIs, CT scans, ultrasound, and digital X-ray equipment. More quality equipment can enhance the teleradiology process with better diagnostic tools for radiologists.

When hospitals access teleradiology services, the services charge by the radiological exam. Each consult with a radiologist is a case-by-case situation–much less expensive than having a full-time employed radiologist.

Other Benefits to the Hospitals

All hospitals rely on medical professionals collaborating to provide the best diagnoses for their patients. With teleradiology, distance for this collaboration is not a factor. Specialists can affect patient care by providing input to local hospital staff for diagnosis and care planning.

For a hospital’s staff, collaboration becomes education. The learning possibilities for teleradiology are endless, and the hospital team is learning from the best to become the best.

Hospitals have benefited from teleradiology tremendously over the past few years. The technology for this service is advancing rapidly and will continue to change the business of patient care for hospitals worldwide.


Radiology Services for Hospitals from Vesta

No matter your facility’s size or location, Vesta offers comprehensive teleradiology services to hospitals. Look to us for efficiency, accuracy and competitive pricing. Please reach out to us to learn more about how we integrate with your current workflow.