An Update to the Physician Shortage Problem

The AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) has released new projections indicating a physician shortage of up to 86,000 physicians in the United States by 2036. This underscores the critical need for sustained and increased investments in training new physicians to address the country’s healthcare needs. The report, conducted by GlobalData Plc, includes various scenarios based on trends in healthcare delivery and the workforce. While the projected shortfall is smaller than previous estimates, it still highlights the necessity for additional investments in graduate medical education (GME). Demographics, particularly population growth and aging, are driving the increasing demand for physicians. The report also notes a significant portion of the physician workforce nearing retirement age, which will further decrease the physician supply. Addressing underserved communities could require approximately 202,800 more physicians than current estimates. Lifting the federal cap on Medicare support for GME and bipartisan legislation like the Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act aim to alleviate the shortage, but further efforts are needed to meet future healthcare demands.


Rural Americans’ Healthcare Challenges

Rural Americans face significant healthcare challenges, with fewer available doctors compared to urban areas, exacerbating existing health issues. Dr. Bruce A. Scott, President of the American Medical Association, emphasizes the urgent need for policymakers to address these disparities. Rural communities experience higher rates of various illnesses, exacerbated by economic pressures and limited access to healthy living conditions. The shortage of specialists and the closure of rural hospitals further compound the problem. Insufficient access to primary care physicians is a pressing issue, with inadequate residency spots and decreasing applications from rural areas. The AMA advocates for changes to the Medicare physician payment system, which has seen a decline in rates over the years. Administrative burdens, such as prior authorizations, are also contributing to physician burnout and compromising patient care. To combat the doctor shortage and rural health challenges, the AMA advocates for healthcare reforms, including overhauling the Medicare payment system, expanding telehealth, increasing residency positions, incentivizing rural practice, and addressing workforce stresses.

hospitals in rural America

Radiology Is Being Hit, Too

Radiology departments are grappling with worsening staffing shortages alongside declining reimbursements. During the RSNA 2023 meeting, Ashish Sant from Merge by Merative discussed key trends and challenges. Staffing and cost management remain top concerns due to burnout and insufficient replacements for retiring radiologists. To address these issues, there’s a push towards cloud-based solutions, with a modular approach easing concerns about data security and patient information management. The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards cloud adoption, highlighting benefits such as accessibility and cost reduction. Integrating AI into radiology workflows is another focus, though challenges persist in seamlessly embedding AI solutions. Merge’s partnership with Microsoft Azure aims to provide customers with cloud solutions tailored to their needs.


Radiology Support for the US

Addressing radiology staffing shortages is crucial for ensuring efficient and effective healthcare delivery. Whether you’re a hospital, outpatient center, or part of the Indian Health Service (IHS), Vesta is here to help. Our team can provide on-site radiologists or teleradiologists to meet the specific needs of your facility. By partnering with us, you can ensure timely and accurate radiology services, ultimately improving patient care and outcomes. Don’t let staffing shortages hinder your operations – reach out today to learn how we can support your radiology department.






The Latest in Brain Imaging News

In recent years, awareness surrounding brain injuries has steadily risen, prompting significant strides in diagnostic technologies and treatment modalities. As we delve into the latest developments in this critical area of healthcare, it becomes increasingly apparent that advancements in medical imaging, particularly in the realm of neurological disorders, are poised to revolutionize the landscape of brain injury diagnosis and management.


AI-based Quantitative Brain Imaging System

Philips and Synthetic MR have joined forces to advance the diagnosis of neurological disorders through cutting-edge quantitative brain imaging tools. Their collaboration introduces the Smart Quant Neuro 3D MRI software suite, combining Philips’ SmartSpeed image-reconstruction technology, the 3D SyntAc clinical application, and SyntheticMR’s SyMRI NEURO 3D software. This innovation employs AI to analyze brain tissues, enhancing the detection and analysis of conditions like multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injuries, and dementia.

The rise of AI in diagnostic imaging, projected to reach $1.2bn by 2027, signifies a transformative shift in improving accuracy and patient outcomes. With the diagnostic imaging market expected to grow to $9.1bn by 2030, fueled by demand for early disease diagnosis and personalized medicine, this partnership underscores the crucial role of AI in enhancing medical imaging.

Read the press release here.


A New Way of Diagnosing Mild TBIs

Researchers have developed a novel brain imaging method to diagnose mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBIs), which are often missed by standard techniques like MRI. This method involves loading gadolinium, a common MRI contrast agent, into micropatches attached to immune cells called macrophages. These cells migrate to areas of brain inflammation caused by mTBIs, enabling MRI detection. The technique, called M-GLAMs, was successfully tested in mice and pigs, showing promise for accurately diagnosing mTBIs. It also allows imaging at lower gadolinium doses, potentially benefiting patients with kidney issues. While unable to pinpoint injury locations, M-GLAMs could aid in identifying and treating brain inflammation. The researchers aim to bring this technology to clinical trials, with support from grants and intellectual property protection.

Read the study here.


New Imaging Tech that Captures Neuronal Activity Across the Brain During Recovery

Researchers at Tufts University School of Medicine have developed a novel imaging technology to monitor neuronal activity throughout the entire brain during the initial weeks of recovery from traumatic brain injury (TBI). Their study, published in Cerebral Cortex, reveals that TBI can induce changes in brain function beyond the injury site. Using a combination of fluorescent sensors and electrodes, they observed altered connectivity patterns in mice post-injury, even in regions distant from the impact. Despite the mice’s ability to perform physical tasks normally, their brain activity during both exercise and rest differed significantly from healthy brains. This impaired ability to switch between states suggests underlying brain state dysfunction post-injury. The findings highlight the brain’s plasticity in response to injury and have potential clinical implications for understanding TBI impacts and tailoring treatments. The researchers aim to further investigate long-term neural activity changes post-recovery and explore the technology’s potential in predicting specific dysfunctions or long-term outcomes of TBI. 

Read the study here.





Top Imaging News of 2023

As we bid adieu to the final moments of 2023, it’s a great time to reflect on advancements and studies that have redefined the world of imaging this year. In this article, we’ll delve into the hottest news and breakthroughs in imaging, highlighting the remarkable strides that have made the headlines.

Study Suggest that Cancer Death Risk From Low-Dose Radiation Is Underestimated

A recent study featured in the British Medical Journal unveils concerning associations between extended exposure to low-dose radiation, commonly experienced by nuclear industry workers, and amplified cancer-related mortality. Drawing insights from the International Nuclear Workers Study (INWORKS) encompassing data from over 300,000 workers, researchers discovered a stark reality: for each cumulative unit of radiation exposure, the risk of death from solid cancer surged by 52%. Even at the lowest cumulative doses, this risk doubled, challenging the assumption that low-dose exposures present less carcinogenic hazard. While the absolute risk remains small, these findings prompt reconsideration of safety limits for workers and call for further studies to confirm the accelerated risk of cancer with ionizing radiation exposure. The hope is that regulatory bodies will integrate these insights into revising protection standards for individuals exposed to low-dose radiation.


In a study published in Medical Hypotheses, a French group presented a theory regarding the brain fog experienced in long COVID, based on brain patterns identified in patient PET scans. They propose that inflammation triggered by COVID-19 disrupts astrocyte cells’ regulation of glutamate, impacting energy metabolism and leading to cognitive fatigue. The authors suggest targeting this malfunction with therapies focused on astrocytic glutamate regulation as a potential way to alleviate long-COVID neurological symptoms. They highlight the lack of mental clarity, difficulty concentrating, and cognitive strain characterizing long COVID, affecting up to 15% of patients after three months of the initial infection. This study builds on previous findings of hypometabolism patterns in long COVID patients’ brain images and explores cellular mechanisms, including links between glutamate dysregulation and cognitive fatigue from other studies. Drawing parallels with “chemo-fog” in cancer patients and cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease, the authors suggest therapeutic strategies targeting the identified brain patterns, citing examples from epilepsy treatments and a recent study using medication to improve cognitive function in long-COVID patients. However, the authors stress the need for further research, proposing PET imaging studies using specific markers to comprehend astrocyte function and glutamate regulation for a comprehensive understanding of long COVID’s underlying mechanisms.

chemo fog
Study on brain fog experienced in long COVID

MRIs and Past Cannabis Users

At the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) annual meeting, New Zealand researchers presented findings on heavy cannabis use in adolescence to early adulthood and its correlation with brain structure differences in hippocampus and amygdala subregions. The study, led by medical physicist Rebecca Lee and colleagues from the University of Otago in Christchurch, indicated volumetric disparities in these brain regions among heavy cannabis users compared to non-using controls. Notably, past cannabis users showed smaller volumes in specific hippocampal and amygdala subregions. However, the research did not find detectable differences in cerebral blood flow or white-matter tract integrity related to cannabis use, suggesting potential transient brain changes or no long-term effect on these properties. The study, conducted using MRI techniques, emphasized the need for longitudinal studies to clarify the causation and long-term functional impacts of these structural brain changes associated with heavy cannabis use. Despite revealing structural brain changes linked to cannabis use, the study does not definitively establish a causal relationship between these changes and cannabis consumption. Further prospective longitudinal MRI studies are essential to elucidate causality in this context.

MRI study

All About AI

We’d be remiss to not mention how artificial intelligence has shaped the industry this year. Check out our previous articles highlighting the impact that ChatGPT and Bard have made in 2023.



Healthcare Strikes Can Burden Hospitals this Fall

Around 75,000 healthcare workers, including radiology professionals, were on strike at Kaiser Permanente across five states and Washington, D.C. This strike is considered one of the largest in U.S. healthcare history. Unions had been negotiating since April and overwhelmingly voted to authorize the strike if no resolution was reached by September 30. The strike affected regions in California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. On October 7, the strike ended without a resolution after three days per federal rules.

Why Do Healthcare Strikes Like This Happen?

The Kaiser Permanente workers were on strike due to pay as well as for ensuring increases in staffing levels and protections against job outsourcing. Just a week ago, 600 registered nurses and medical support staff from St. Francis Medical Center issued a 10-day strike notice warning of walking off the job October 9 through October 13 if the hospital fails to deliver a contract for safe staffing levels. As of today, healthcare workers from St. Francis Medical Center and three other Southern California medical facilities initiated a five-day strike to protest what they perceive as unfair labor conditions and unsafe patient care practices. The strike involves nurses and other medical staff at St. Francis, Centinela Hospital Medical Center, Garden Grove Hospital Medical Center, and Encino Hospital Medical Center, all of which are under Prime Healthcare’s management. The unions representing approximately 1,800 workers, UNAC/UHCP and SEIU-UHWH, argue that chronic understaffing has led to hazardous patient care situations, exacerbated by layoffs resulting from Prime Healthcare’s acquisition of St. Francis during the pandemic.

labor strike

Other reasons healthcare strikes occur:

Workplace Safety: Workers may strike when they feel that their safety is compromised due to inadequate safety protocols, insufficient personal protective equipment (PPE), or exposure to hazardous conditions, such as infectious diseases.

Contract Disputes: Labor unions representing healthcare workers negotiate employment contracts with healthcare facilities. If these negotiations fail to address the concerns of workers, strikes may occur.

Patient Care: Healthcare workers are often deeply committed to patient well-being. Strikes may result from concerns that cost-cutting measures or management decisions compromise patient care quality.

Workload and Burnout: Heavy workloads, excessive overtime, and insufficient breaks contribute to burnout among healthcare workers. Strikes can be a way to address these issues and improve work-life balance.

staffing and labor shortage


Retirement and Pension Plans: Disagreements over retirement benefits and pension plans can lead to labor disputes among healthcare workers, particularly as they plan for their future financial security.

Lack of Resources: Inadequate resources, including medical supplies, equipment, and technology, can hinder healthcare workers’ ability to provide quality care. Strikes may aim to secure better resources.

Job Security: Concerns about job security may arise due to outsourcing, facility closures, or layoffs. Healthcare workers may strike to protect their employment.

Union Organizing Rights: Workers may go on strike to assert their rights to form or join labor unions, address unfair labor practices, or challenge anti-union policies and actions by employers.


It’s important to note that healthcare worker strikes can have significant implications for patient care and public health. Patient care cannot be compromised so if your hospital or healthcare center is in immediate need of radiologists to fill any shortages or gaps, please reach out to Vesta Teleradiology today.




Are Interruptions Impacting Radiologists’ Work?

In the bustling environment of a modern hospital, where urgency is the norm and every moment counts, the radiology department serves as a critical hub of diagnostic decision-making. Radiologists, entrusted with the vital task of interpreting medical images, navigate a constant stream of interruptions that disrupt their focused analysis. These interruptions, though often necessary for patient care, can pose a significant challenge, potentially impeding the accuracy and efficiency of radiological diagnoses with potentially detrimental consequences for patient outcomes.

How Often are Radiologists Interrupted?

A recent study at Nationwide Children’s Hospital investigated interruptions’ impact on radiologists’ efficiency and patient care in their pediatric radiology department. Thirteen pediatric radiologists were observed for 61 hours, revealing common interruptions that disrupted workflows and slowed patient care. Interruptions fell into three categories: time spent interpreting studies, active interruptions initiated by radiologists, and passive interruptions from external sources. Radiologists spent 52% of their time interpreting studies, 29% on active interruptions, and 18% on passive interruptions.

rad tech and radiologist

Interruptions were most frequent during mid-morning and mid-afternoon, often due to hospital-wide consultations. Half of non-interpretive time involved in-person consultations, with 16% being phone calls, mainly incoming and short in duration.

The study found that radiologists spent nearly as much time on interruptions as on interpreting studies, negatively impacting efficiency and report interpretation times. While recognizing communication’s importance in radiology, the study suggests that strategic interventions can enhance efficiency.

To address the interruption issue, the institution implemented changes in reading room environments, increased the use of reading room assistants, introduced a new PACS system, standardized protocols, and optimized trainee schedules. Although the impact of these interventions wasn’t quantitatively assessed, they reportedly improved workflow and reduced interruptions. Further research is needed to examine the total cost of interruptions and the cost-effectiveness of higher resource interventions.

Interruptions from Teams

Another study by a research team from Georgetown University School of Medicine suggests that asynchronous forms of communication, such as Microsoft Teams, are less disruptive to radiologists compared to phone calls or in-person visits. Researchers from Georgetown University School of Medicine observed 19 radiologists and found that interruptions caused by Teams messages were shorter and less severe. These interruptions were less likely to occur during critical cases, reducing concentration impairment during image reviews. The shift to asynchronous communication methods during the COVID-19 pandemic allowed radiologists more control over the timing of interruptions. The study indicates a trend toward the continued use of asynchronous communication in radiology due to its reduced disruption.

How do meetings affect radiologists’ duties?

Partnering with Vesta Teleradiology

Our team of dedicated US Board Certified radiologists is deeply committed to providing precise and reliable interpretations of your medical facility’s diagnostic imaging scans. We understand the critical role that accurate diagnoses play in patient care and treatment planning. Our commitment to your facility’s needs extends beyond regular hours, as we stand ready to offer 24/7 support, ensuring that you have access to our expertise whenever it’s required, day or night. Your facility’s success in providing top-notch healthcare services is our utmost priority, and we are here to support you at every step of the way, around the clock.



Growth in Demand for Imaging Procedures Will Increase Need for Teleradiology

The healthcare market is experiencing a shift towards outpatient care, driven by reimbursement changes, pandemic effects, and patient preferences, particularly prominent in the U.S. Providers are diversifying into sub-specializations like neurology and oncology, raising the demand for advanced imaging like MRI and CT. This trend has led to increased utilization of outpatient imaging and teleradiology services.

By the NuMbers

Diagnostic imaging is becoming increasingly crucial in healthcare, with the market projected to reach $31.9bn in 2023 and grow at a 4.8% CAGR to $45.8bn in 2030. The rise is driven by chronic diseases, an aging population, and post-Covid-19 demand recovery. To meet this demand, companies are focusing on advanced and accessible technologies, such as handheld ultrasounds. About 1,949 imaging devices are in development, with 112 expected to gain approval in 2023.

imaging device

According to Fortune Business Insights, in 2022, the computed tomography (CT) segment held the largest market share due to a rise in CT scan procedures and higher average pricing. For instance, OECD data for 2021 showed 84.5 million CT scan procedures in the U.S., up by 15.8% from the previous year. The growing geriatric population has also contributed to increased demand for CT scans.

Key Players

Key players include GE Healthcare, Philips, Siemens Healthineers, and more. Challenges include high equipment costs and a shortage of skilled personnel, impacting accessibility and patient care quality. Opportunities arise from the growing demand for imaging services, especially for chronic diseases, and the development of new modalities like 3D mammography and MRI-guided focused ultrasound. Emerging economies like India, China, and Brazil are pivotal, driven by rising chronic diseases. Major players like Siemens Healthineers are expanding in these markets. Additionally, teaching hospitals are increasing demand for advanced imaging methods to enhance patient care.

Your Dedicated Radiology Partner: Vesta

Partnering with Vesta as your radiology partner ensures access to accurate and timely imaging interpretations and readings for subspecialties. Whether you are an outpatient imaging center or traditional hospital, our collaboration offers a seamless and efficient experience. Trust us to be your reliable radiology partner, empowering you with the insights and tools needed for improved healthcare outcomes.


radiology peer reviewSources:


Mammography: Is AI Better than Humans?

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has made remarkable strides in revolutionizing the landscape of the medical field, offering unprecedented opportunities for enhanced patient care, diagnosis, and treatment. From accelerating the analysis of medical imagery to predicting disease outcomes with unparalleled accuracy, AI-powered technologies have swiftly established themselves as indispensable tools for healthcare professionals. Beyond diagnostics, AI has played a pivotal role in drug discovery, streamlining clinical trials, and personalizing patient interventions. As AI continues to evolve, its potential to transform healthcare systems globally is becoming increasingly evident, promising not only improved medical outcomes but also cost-effective solutions and optimized resource allocation. The fusion of AI’s computational prowess with medical expertise heralds a new era of medical advancements that hold the potential to alleviate the burden on healthcare systems, save lives, and redefine the standards of patient well-being.

In the United States alone, it is estimated that around 40 million mammograms were performed each year. Mammograms are crucial as they are the primary method for early detection of breast cancer, enabling timely intervention and improving survival rates. By detecting small abnormalities and tumors that may not be palpable, mammograms help identify potential breast cancer cases in their earliest stages, allowing for more effective and less invasive treatment options.

Abnormal mammogram

Radiologists often find themselves overwhelmed due to the increasing volume of medical images requiring analysis, coupled with a shortage of radiology specialists. The demand for accurate and timely diagnoses, especially in fields like mammography, can lead to extended work hours and heightened stress levels among radiologists. Introducing AI technologies can alleviate this burden by assisting in image analysis, enabling radiologists to focus on complex cases and ensuring more efficient patient care.

How AI Helps in Mammography

A recent study published in The Lancet Oncology suggests that artificial intelligence (AI) may outperform trained doctors in detecting breast cancer from mammogram images. Mammograms face challenges due to factors like breast density, leading to missed cancer cases. The study analyzed 80,000 mammograms from Swedish women, finding that AI-assisted readings detected 20% more cancers compared to human radiologists. While not a standalone solution, AI could alleviate doctors’ workloads, enhancing accuracy without increasing false negatives. Despite FDA-approved AI technologies, integration with conventional methods is likely, aiding radiologists in managing a growing workload. The balance between AI and human expertise remains essential, ensuring optimal patient care and early cancer detection.

Healthcare experts, including the NHS and the Royal College of Radiologists, acknowledge AI’s promise in enhancing efficiency, decision-making, and prioritizing critical cases.


Vesta Teleradiology

AI applied to diagnostic imaging holds the potential to significantly enhance the level of patient care. We eagerly anticipate further progress in this field. However, we maintain the viewpoint that presently, no machine can effectively substitute for the expertise of a skilled human observer for interpretations. At Vesta, we offer the services of radiologists who are US Board Certified, dedicated to delivering precise preliminary and final analyses. Discover how we can bolster your radiology department by reaching out to us today.




Healthcare Burnout: Update for 2023

Burnout in the medical setting refers to a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion experienced by healthcare professionals. It arises from chronic and excessive stress caused by demanding work environments, long hours, high patient loads, and the emotional toll of dealing with patient suffering. Symptoms of burnout include feelings of cynicism, detachment from work, reduced sense of accomplishment, and a decline in professional performance. Burnout not only impacts the well-being of medical practitioners but can also compromise patient care and safety. It also impacts staffing at all levels in healthcare, from nurses to executives.

What’s Going on Now?

Healthcare employees nationwide have initiated strikes in their efforts to secure better pay and improved staffing conditions in their employment agreements. Additionally, resident physicians are becoming increasingly engaged in labor organizing.

burnt out
A doctor experiences burnout

According to experts, these labor trends will present ongoing challenges to health systems as facilities strive to return to pre-pandemic operations while trying to control the labor costs that escalated last year. The sector is expected to face persistent staffing shortages, particularly among nurses, due to widespread burnout and increased turnover. As a result, healthcare facilities continue to rely on expensive contract labor to fill the gaps in their workforce, even as the rates of severe COVID-19 hospitalizations decline.

Burnout in Radiologists

The “Medscape Physician Burnout & Depression Report 2023: ‘I Cry and No One Cares'” reported that 54 percent of radiologists surveyed felt burned out. Further, just 61% of radiologists said they’re happy or very happy away from work.

Recent data published in the European Journal of Radiology presents the experiences of breast radiologists with burnout during various stages of the COVID pandemic. Surprisingly, the study reveals that, at the height of COVID, many radiologists reported improvements in five out of six common stressors, such as work pace, work-life balance, caregiving responsibilities, and financial strain. However, this relief was short-lived, as patient capacity increased again, leading to a surge in workload, backlogs of studies, and a slight increase in burnout levels compared to before the pandemic.

burnout in healthcare

Addressing Staffing Shortages and Burnout

Addressing burnout is crucial to maintain a healthy healthcare workforce and ensure the delivery of high-quality medical services. Strategies like promoting work-life balance, providing support and resources for stress management, and fostering a positive and supportive work culture are essential to mitigate and prevent burnout in the medical field.

Vesta Teleradiology is your reliable solution for all your healthcare facility’s radiology requirements, whether you require full-time support or coverage during nights and weekends. With over 16 years of dedicated service to diagnostic imaging centers, physician’s offices, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities, we are here to assist you. Get in touch with us today for a quick quote at 1-877-55-VESTA.

Vesta is a highly rated teleradiology service provider.



How is Teleradiology and AI Impacting the Medical Industry Today?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the medical industry, transforming the way healthcare is delivered, diagnosed, and managed. With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, AI is reshaping various aspects of healthcare. From aiding in disease diagnosis to personalized treatment recommendations, AI is enhancing the precision and efficiency of medical practices. Moreover, AI-powered technologies are streamlining administrative tasks, optimizing resource allocation, and improving patient outcomes. As AI continues to advance, it holds immense potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery, foster medical innovations, and ultimately improve the quality of patient care on a global scale.

Teleradiology has had a profound impact on healthcare by enabling remote access to radiology expertise, bridging geographical barriers, and ensuring timely diagnoses. It has improved patient care by providing faster turnaround times, facilitating collaboration among radiologists, and increasing access to specialized interpretations, ultimately enhancing diagnostic accuracy and treatment outcomes. Going even further, a latest white paper from One Call describes how teleradiology and AI are helping reduce the strain of the radiology shortage.

artificial intelligence

Teleradiology and AI in Action

Medical imaging vendor, Nanox, is looking to address heath disparities and lack of access care with a new x-ray system which would be offered to countries in Africa, Asian and South American using a pay-per-scan model. The potential of combining cold cathode X-ray technology with teleradiology and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance diagnostic capabilities and improve healthcare economics. Cold cathode X-ray systems offer advantages such as reduced energy consumption and improved image quality. When integrated with teleradiology, these systems can enable remote interpretation of X-rays, leading to faster diagnoses and improved patient care. Additionally, the use of AI algorithms in conjunction with cold cathode X-ray technology has the potential to enhance image analysis, automate certain tasks, and optimize resource allocation, offering cost-saving opportunities in healthcare settings.

diagnostic imaging
A teleradiologist examines a chest x-ray

There are plans to roll out AI-powered teleradiology by the “Screen for Life” program at the Primary Health Care Corporation in Qatar, aimed at early detection and prevention of cancer in the United Arab Emirates. The program plans to utilize AI algorithms to analyze radiology images, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of cancer screening. The integration of AI in teleradiology will help automate image interpretation, expedite diagnoses, and reduce the workload on radiologists. The implementation of AI teleradiology in the “Screen for Life” program is expected to improve cancer detection rates, streamline healthcare processes, and ultimately save lives by identifying cancers at earlier stages.

Vesta Teleradiology

Looking to outsource your radiology interpretations using an expert Teleradiology company that is at the forefront of technology including AI?  Please reach out to Vesta to learn more. Vesta Teleradiology can accommodate any type of volume, large, medium and small.


The Top 2023 Imaging and Healthcare Conferences In the United States

As a healthcare professional, events like conferences serve as opportunities to learn and grow professionally while expanding our network.

If you want to achieve new insights and techniques in imaging and healthcare, 2023 Imaging and Healthcare Conferences are among the best opportunities. Here are the top conferences in the United States.

RSNA (Radiological Society of North America) 2023

The Radiological Society of North America is one of the largest conferences globally, focusing on radiology and imaging. The conference covers everything from basic science to emerging technologies and features various sessions and workshops covering all field aspects.

RSNA 2023 will occur in Chicago, Illinois, from November 27 to December 1, 2023.

SIIM Conference 2023

The Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM) conference is a leading event where experts in fields such as radiology, information technology, and engineering come to share their knowledge on imaging informatics.

The meeting takes place from June 29-July 2, 2023, in the City by the Bay, San Francisco. The SIIM conference offers CME opportunities for attendees to be professionally accredited, making it one of the world’s most significant events in imaging informatics.



The American College of Radiology (ACR) Annual Meeting is a premier event for radiology professionals to learn more about the newest advancements in radiology informatics and medical imaging.

In 2023, ACR plans its conference on May 7th-11th in Washington, DC.


AI in Healthcare Summit 2023

This summit brings together professionals in artificial intelligence (AI) and healthcare. It takes place from September 12-14, 2023, in Boston.

The AI in Healthcare Summit aims to bring the world’s brightest minds to discuss ideas on developing AI technology in healthcare imaging. Attendees will enjoy learning from cross-industry thought leaders, researchers, and technology innovators.

CME (Continuing Medical Education) Conferences

Continuing education is essential for professionals in the healthcare industry. CME conferences are offered throughout the year, allowing attendees opportunities for advancement.

Organizations such as the American Medical Association (AMA), the American College of Radiology (ACR), and the Radiological Society of North America offer these conferences.

Attending these imaging and healthcare conferences will allow you to gain experience and interaction with industry professionals and keep abreast of the latest technology and groundbreaking research.

Plan to attend any of these 2023 conferences to improve your imaging and healthcare skills and knowledge and keep yourself updated and engaged with peers.