Growth in Demand for Imaging Procedures Will Increase Need for Teleradiology

The healthcare market is experiencing a shift towards outpatient care, driven by reimbursement changes, pandemic effects, and patient preferences, particularly prominent in the U.S. Providers are diversifying into sub-specializations like neurology and oncology, raising the demand for advanced imaging like MRI and CT. This trend has led to increased utilization of outpatient imaging and teleradiology services.

By the NuMbers

Diagnostic imaging is becoming increasingly crucial in healthcare, with the market projected to reach $31.9bn in 2023 and grow at a 4.8% CAGR to $45.8bn in 2030. The rise is driven by chronic diseases, an aging population, and post-Covid-19 demand recovery. To meet this demand, companies are focusing on advanced and accessible technologies, such as handheld ultrasounds. About 1,949 imaging devices are in development, with 112 expected to gain approval in 2023.

imaging device

According to Fortune Business Insights, in 2022, the computed tomography (CT) segment held the largest market share due to a rise in CT scan procedures and higher average pricing. For instance, OECD data for 2021 showed 84.5 million CT scan procedures in the U.S., up by 15.8% from the previous year. The growing geriatric population has also contributed to increased demand for CT scans.

Key Players

Key players include GE Healthcare, Philips, Siemens Healthineers, and more. Challenges include high equipment costs and a shortage of skilled personnel, impacting accessibility and patient care quality. Opportunities arise from the growing demand for imaging services, especially for chronic diseases, and the development of new modalities like 3D mammography and MRI-guided focused ultrasound. Emerging economies like India, China, and Brazil are pivotal, driven by rising chronic diseases. Major players like Siemens Healthineers are expanding in these markets. Additionally, teaching hospitals are increasing demand for advanced imaging methods to enhance patient care.

Your Dedicated Radiology Partner: Vesta

Partnering with Vesta as your radiology partner ensures access to accurate and timely imaging interpretations and readings for subspecialties. Whether you are an outpatient imaging center or traditional hospital, our collaboration offers a seamless and efficient experience. Trust us to be your reliable radiology partner, empowering you with the insights and tools needed for improved healthcare outcomes.


radiology peer reviewSources:


Mammography: Is AI Better than Humans?

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has made remarkable strides in revolutionizing the landscape of the medical field, offering unprecedented opportunities for enhanced patient care, diagnosis, and treatment. From accelerating the analysis of medical imagery to predicting disease outcomes with unparalleled accuracy, AI-powered technologies have swiftly established themselves as indispensable tools for healthcare professionals. Beyond diagnostics, AI has played a pivotal role in drug discovery, streamlining clinical trials, and personalizing patient interventions. As AI continues to evolve, its potential to transform healthcare systems globally is becoming increasingly evident, promising not only improved medical outcomes but also cost-effective solutions and optimized resource allocation. The fusion of AI’s computational prowess with medical expertise heralds a new era of medical advancements that hold the potential to alleviate the burden on healthcare systems, save lives, and redefine the standards of patient well-being.

In the United States alone, it is estimated that around 40 million mammograms were performed each year. Mammograms are crucial as they are the primary method for early detection of breast cancer, enabling timely intervention and improving survival rates. By detecting small abnormalities and tumors that may not be palpable, mammograms help identify potential breast cancer cases in their earliest stages, allowing for more effective and less invasive treatment options.

Abnormal mammogram

Radiologists often find themselves overwhelmed due to the increasing volume of medical images requiring analysis, coupled with a shortage of radiology specialists. The demand for accurate and timely diagnoses, especially in fields like mammography, can lead to extended work hours and heightened stress levels among radiologists. Introducing AI technologies can alleviate this burden by assisting in image analysis, enabling radiologists to focus on complex cases and ensuring more efficient patient care.

How AI Helps in Mammography

A recent study published in The Lancet Oncology suggests that artificial intelligence (AI) may outperform trained doctors in detecting breast cancer from mammogram images. Mammograms face challenges due to factors like breast density, leading to missed cancer cases. The study analyzed 80,000 mammograms from Swedish women, finding that AI-assisted readings detected 20% more cancers compared to human radiologists. While not a standalone solution, AI could alleviate doctors’ workloads, enhancing accuracy without increasing false negatives. Despite FDA-approved AI technologies, integration with conventional methods is likely, aiding radiologists in managing a growing workload. The balance between AI and human expertise remains essential, ensuring optimal patient care and early cancer detection.

Healthcare experts, including the NHS and the Royal College of Radiologists, acknowledge AI’s promise in enhancing efficiency, decision-making, and prioritizing critical cases.


Vesta Teleradiology

AI applied to diagnostic imaging holds the potential to significantly enhance the level of patient care. We eagerly anticipate further progress in this field. However, we maintain the viewpoint that presently, no machine can effectively substitute for the expertise of a skilled human observer for interpretations. At Vesta, we offer the services of radiologists who are US Board Certified, dedicated to delivering precise preliminary and final analyses. Discover how we can bolster your radiology department by reaching out to us today.




How is Teleradiology and AI Impacting the Medical Industry Today?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the medical industry, transforming the way healthcare is delivered, diagnosed, and managed. With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, AI is reshaping various aspects of healthcare. From aiding in disease diagnosis to personalized treatment recommendations, AI is enhancing the precision and efficiency of medical practices. Moreover, AI-powered technologies are streamlining administrative tasks, optimizing resource allocation, and improving patient outcomes. As AI continues to advance, it holds immense potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery, foster medical innovations, and ultimately improve the quality of patient care on a global scale.

Teleradiology has had a profound impact on healthcare by enabling remote access to radiology expertise, bridging geographical barriers, and ensuring timely diagnoses. It has improved patient care by providing faster turnaround times, facilitating collaboration among radiologists, and increasing access to specialized interpretations, ultimately enhancing diagnostic accuracy and treatment outcomes. Going even further, a latest white paper from One Call describes how teleradiology and AI are helping reduce the strain of the radiology shortage.

artificial intelligence

Teleradiology and AI in Action

Medical imaging vendor, Nanox, is looking to address heath disparities and lack of access care with a new x-ray system which would be offered to countries in Africa, Asian and South American using a pay-per-scan model. The potential of combining cold cathode X-ray technology with teleradiology and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance diagnostic capabilities and improve healthcare economics. Cold cathode X-ray systems offer advantages such as reduced energy consumption and improved image quality. When integrated with teleradiology, these systems can enable remote interpretation of X-rays, leading to faster diagnoses and improved patient care. Additionally, the use of AI algorithms in conjunction with cold cathode X-ray technology has the potential to enhance image analysis, automate certain tasks, and optimize resource allocation, offering cost-saving opportunities in healthcare settings.

diagnostic imaging
A teleradiologist examines a chest x-ray

There are plans to roll out AI-powered teleradiology by the “Screen for Life” program at the Primary Health Care Corporation in Qatar, aimed at early detection and prevention of cancer in the United Arab Emirates. The program plans to utilize AI algorithms to analyze radiology images, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of cancer screening. The integration of AI in teleradiology will help automate image interpretation, expedite diagnoses, and reduce the workload on radiologists. The implementation of AI teleradiology in the “Screen for Life” program is expected to improve cancer detection rates, streamline healthcare processes, and ultimately save lives by identifying cancers at earlier stages.

Vesta Teleradiology

Looking to outsource your radiology interpretations using an expert Teleradiology company that is at the forefront of technology including AI?  Please reach out to Vesta to learn more. Vesta Teleradiology can accommodate any type of volume, large, medium and small.


Why ERs Can See an Influx of Patients this Summer

Emergency rooms (ERs) play a critical and indispensable role in the healthcare system, serving as the front line of medical care for individuals experiencing urgent and life-threatening situations. These bustling hubs of medical expertise and resources are designed to provide immediate and comprehensive care to patients who require immediate attention, regardless of their condition or ability to pay. Emergency rooms act as the safety net for communities, offering round-the-clock access to highly trained healthcare professionals, advanced diagnostic tools, and life-saving interventions. From trauma cases and acute illnesses to critical injuries and emergencies, emergency rooms serve as the gateway to timely and potentially life-saving medical care, ensuring that patients receive the immediate attention they need in their most vulnerable moments.


During the summer months in the United States, emergency rooms tend to see an increase in patient visits due to various reasons. Pew Research states that close to 45,000 people visit U.S. hospital emergency rooms for treatment of injuries each day on July 4 and 5 which are the highest daily numbers in the entire year.

Some common reasons people visit emergency rooms during the summer include:

Heat-Related Illnesses: The hot weather can lead to heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Symptoms may include dehydration, dizziness, nausea, rapid heartbeat, and altered mental status, which may require immediate medical attention.

Trauma from Outdoor Activities: Outdoor recreational activities like hiking, camping, and rock climbing can lead to injuries such as fractures, sprains, cuts, and wounds. Emergency care may be necessary for evaluation, wound management, and potential surgical interventions. This means an increase in imaging procedures like x-rays.

er visits during summertime
Water-related incidents can be more prevalent during summer

Accidents and Injuries: Summer activities and outdoor sports can result in an uptick in accidents and injuries. This includes injuries from water-related activities, such as swimming accidents, diving accidents, near-drownings, and boating accidents, as well as bicycle accidents, falls, and recreational sports injuries.

Allergic Reactions: Summertime brings increased exposure to allergens like pollen, insect bites, and stings. Some individuals may experience severe allergic reactions, such as anaphylaxis, requiring emergency medical care.

Respiratory Issues: People with respiratory conditions, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), may experience exacerbations during the summer due to factors like poor air quality, increased pollen, and higher levels of pollution. These exacerbations can lead to respiratory distress and necessitate emergency care.

Outdoor and Recreational Injuries: With warmer weather, people engage in various outdoor activities, including hiking, biking, swimming, and team sports. These activities can result in injuries such as fractures, sprains, strains, dislocations, and head injuries.


Foodborne Illnesses: Barbecues, picnics, and outdoor gatherings increase the risk of foodborne illnesses due to improper food handling and storage. Severe cases of food poisoning can lead to dehydration and require medical evaluation and treatment.

foodborne illness
ERs can see more patients coming in due to foodborne illnesses

Sunburn and Sun-Related Injuries: Prolonged sun exposure without proper protection can result in sunburn, sun poisoning, and related skin injuries. Severe sunburns may require medical attention to manage pain, prevent infection, and address complications.


Why Staffing is Important

Adequate healthcare staffing is of paramount importance for emergency rooms as it directly impacts the quality and timeliness of care provided to patients in critical situations. Emergency rooms must be adequately staffed with physicians, nurses, and support staff who possess the necessary skills and expertise to handle a wide range of emergencies. The unpredictable nature of emergency room cases, the potential for multiple simultaneous emergencies, and the need for rapid decision-making necessitate a sufficient number of healthcare professionals to ensure efficient triage, timely assessments, and appropriate interventions. With adequate staffing, emergency rooms can effectively manage patient flow, reduce wait times, provide continuous monitoring, and deliver the highest standard of care, ultimately maximizing patient outcomes and saving lives.


Vesta Fills in for Your Radiologists

Whether you have a shortage of radiologists due to a hiring shortage or simply your staff is unavailable nights and weekends, Vesta is here for you. Hospitals and ERs can’t always predict with complete accuracy future patient volume which is where Vesta can help you with the unexpected. Our US Board Certified radiologists can work on-site or remotely for your preliminary and final interpretations.




The Role of a Pediatric Radiologist

In 2011, a large study examined the use of x-rays and other radiation imaging on children—they estimated that the average child would get more than seven radiation scans by the age of 18. No doubt, then, that the role of a pediatric radiologist is important in accurately diagnosing and treating diseases and conditions in children. Their specialized knowledge, expertise in radiation safety, and collaboration with other healthcare professionals contribute to the well-being and optimal care of pediatric patients. It’s estimated that only 3% of all radiologists in the US are pediatric radiologists, making this a small subspeciality. In this article, we will review the role and responsibilities of a pediatric radiologist.

A pediatric radiologist is a specialized medical doctor who focuses on using medical imaging techniques to diagnose and treat diseases and conditions in infants, children, and adolescents. They have expertise in interpreting and analyzing imaging studies specifically related to pediatric patients.

The role of a pediatric radiologist involves the following:


Interpreting Imaging Studies: Pediatric radiologists review and interpret various imaging studies such as X-rays, ultrasounds, computed tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nuclear medicine scans. They analyze the images to identify abnormalities or signs of disease. If you choose to work with Vesta Teleradiology, we have US board certified radiologists that handle subspecialty preliminary and final interpretations in pediatric imaging.

brain scans

Diagnosing Diseases and Conditions: By studying the imaging results, pediatric radiologists can diagnose a wide range of diseases and conditions that affect children. This can include congenital anomalies, infections, tumors, fractures, organ abnormalities, and other medical conditions.

Minimizing Radiation Exposure: Pediatric radiologists are particularly mindful of the potential risks associated with radiation exposure in children. They employ techniques and protocols that minimize the amount of radiation used during imaging procedures, ensuring the safety of young patients while still obtaining the necessary diagnostic information. For example, when appropriate, pediatric radiologists may use lead shields or aprons to protect sensitive areas of a child’s body that are not being imaged. This helps minimize unnecessary radiation exposure to healthy tissues. They also undergo specialized training in pediatric radiology, which includes radiation safety and dose optimization techniques.

Guiding Treatment Decisions: Pediatric radiologists collaborate with other healthcare professionals, including pediatricians, surgeons, and oncologists, to help guide treatment decisions. The imaging findings they provide play a crucial role in determining the most appropriate course of treatment.

Performing Image-Guided Procedures: In addition to interpreting images, pediatric radiologists may also perform image-guided procedures. These procedures can include biopsies, drainages, and minimally invasive interventions. They use imaging technology to guide their instruments and ensure precise placement.

Collaboration and Consultation: Pediatric radiologists work closely with other healthcare professionals, including referring physicians, to discuss imaging findings, provide recommendations, and answer any questions. They may also consult with pediatric subspecialists to provide further expertise in specific areas of pediatric radiology.

Overall, the role of a pediatric radiologist is vital in the accurate diagnosis and appropriate management of medical conditions affecting children. Their specialized knowledge and skills in pediatric imaging contribute to the well-being and treatment outcomes of young patients.



How Has COVID Affected Hospitals Financially?

It’s a staggering statistic. Healthcare company bankruptcies were up 84% in 2022 as compared to 2021. Things are getting so severe that in California, there are legislative proposals for offering emergency loans for hospitals facing closure or that are trying to reopen. Why is this happening?

COVID’s Impact

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on hospitals financially. Here are some of the ways hospitals have been affected:

Increased expenses: Hospitals faced increased expenses due to the surge in COVID-19 cases. These expenses include the cost of personal protective equipment (PPE), additional staffing needs, testing supplies, ventilators, and other medical equipment required to treat COVID-19 patients. Hospitals also had to invest in facility modifications and create dedicated COVID-19 units or wards.

Canceled or postponed elective procedures: To free up resources and reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, many hospitals had to cancel or postpone elective surgeries and procedures. These procedures often contribute a significant portion of a hospital’s revenue, and their suspension led to financial losses.

Reduction in outpatient visits: Many people postponed or avoided non-emergency medical visits and procedures due to concerns about COVID-19 exposure. As a result, hospitals experienced a decline in outpatient visits, diagnostic tests, and routine care. Outpatient services are an essential revenue source for hospitals, and the decrease in patient volumes had a negative financial impact.

covid impact

Decline in emergency department visits: While emergency departments experienced a surge in COVID-19 cases, they also saw a decline in visits for non-COVID-19 emergencies. Fear of exposure to the virus, stay-at-home orders, and limited access to transportation may have contributed to this decline. Since emergency department visits often generate revenue for hospitals, the decrease in non-COVID-19 cases had financial implications.


Unequal distribution of funding: While governments and healthcare systems provided financial relief and support to hospitals during the pandemic, the distribution of funds varied. Some hospitals, particularly those in hard-hit areas or with a high percentage of COVID-19 patients, received additional funding. However, smaller or rural hospitals with fewer COVID-19 cases may have faced financial challenges due to reduced patient volumes and inadequate financial support.

It’s important to note that the specific financial impact can vary among hospitals based on factors such as their location, patient demographics, size, and pre-pandemic financial health. These factors can influence the severity of the financial challenges faced by hospitals during the COVID-19 crisis.

Partnering with Vesta Teleradiology Group to Reduce Costs

Vesta Teleradiology understands that financial costs can be a burden, so that’s why they are always on the lookout to bring the latest technologies to healthcare facilities to help improve efficiency and quality while reducing costs. Vesta doesn’t believe you have to sacrifice quality for cost. Whether you operate a large hospital, urgent care center, or private practice, we are here to help fully or in part, for all your radiology interpretation needs, including subspecialties.


What is the Function of PACS in Hospitals and How are They Improving?

Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) is a medical imaging technology that has become increasingly important in modern healthcare. PACS is a digital platform that allows medical images, such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, to be stored, viewed, and shared electronically between healthcare professionals. This technology has revolutionized the way medical images are managed and has brought many benefits to hospitals and patients alike.


The function of PACS in hospitals is multifaceted, but its primary purpose is to facilitate the storage and retrieval of medical images. This enables healthcare professionals to access patient information quickly and easily, which can improve patient care, diagnosis, and treatment. 

Some of the key benefits of PACS include:

Improved efficiency: PACS eliminates the need for physical film and enables medical images to be shared quickly and easily between healthcare professionals. This can save time and improve the efficiency of medical imaging services.

teleradiology specialists

Enhanced patient care: PACS enables healthcare professionals to access patient information quickly and easily, which can improve patient care, diagnosis, and treatment.


Cost savings: PACS eliminates the need for physical film and the associated costs of processing and storing it. This can result in significant cost savings for hospitals.


How are PACS Evolving?

The benefits of PACS are numerous, and the technology is constantly evolving to meet the needs of modern healthcare. Some of the ways in which PACS is improving include:


Cloud-based solutions: Many PACS vendors now offer cloud-based solutions, which can provide greater flexibility and scalability. This enables healthcare professionals to access medical images from anywhere, at any time.


Artificial intelligence (AI): AI is being integrated into PACS to improve image analysis and interpretation. This can help healthcare professionals to make more accurate diagnoses and provide better patient care.

artificial intelligence

Mobile access: Many PACS vendors now offer mobile apps, which enable healthcare professionals to access medical images from their mobile devices. This can provide greater flexibility and convenience, particularly for healthcare professionals who are working remotely.


Vesta Teleradiology Works with Your System

Vesta is proud to help integrate their hospital partners with our PACS and systems. This allows clients to provide referring physicians digital access to their own studies, images and reports as soon as they are released. Further, with Vesta Direct Messaging technology, receive reports as well as significant images directly into the RIS. Vesta is always on the lookout to bring the latest technologies to our clients to help improve efficiency, quality while reducing costs

If you need a radiology partner that is not only reliable but can support your workflow, please contact us today: 877-55-VESTA

Teleradiology company 


State of the Healthcare Industry: Hospital Strikes

Americans, and everyone all over the world, depend on proper medical care. From dental checkups to urgent care visits, medical professionals are absolutely essential, especially when it comes to massive emergencies. If we didn’t learn this fact yet, the pandemic certainly brought it into focus. In 2020, hospitals and medical buildings surged with COVID patients, overloading facilities and professionals alike. Now, with labor shortages, and unfair compensation, nurses and medical staff are going on strike to re-negotiate contracts to make their workplaces a fairer place to be.

Healthcare Strikes Going on Now

Beginning in January of this year, over 7,000 medical professionals went on strike in New York City, says Vox. The strikes involve Mt. Sinai Hospital, and three other facilities, located in the Bronx, owned by Montefiore. Recent contract negotiations failed to provide health care workers with more staff, as well as desired salary compensation, says the article. Over 700 positions are open within the Montefiore facilities, and nurses and medical staff feel overburdened and undervalued. As explained by Vox, when billable hours and revenue collection are limited to doctors who prescribe surgeries and medicine, nurses and other medical staff are a complete cost to the hospital. Even though these professionals are essential to properly run any medical facility, investing in nursing staff becomes a problem when the American structure is a pay-for-treatment transaction in healthcare systems that are for profit.


Last month, on February 27, another strike took place on Long Island with about 800 nurses, says CBS News. At Northwell Health’s South Shore University Hospital, nurses are demanding “safe staffing and fair wage,” says the article. 99% of the nurses voted to authorize the strike.

burnt out


It isn’t just the United States that’s involved with strikes. Across the pond, in the UK, nurses are also having a difficult time negotiating what they need in their contracts, says IN News. For the first time in Royal College of Nursing history, medical staff, which spanned over 100 services, held England’s largest nursing strike on March 1 of this year. In the 48-hour strike, staff from emergency departments, intensive care units, cancer care, and other services were involved, says the article. Compensation, workload, and workplace conditions are the terms UK nurses are fighting for. Since 2010, nurses’ compensation has fallen 8%, says the article.


Both in the US and UK, nurses have made it clear that they do not want to strike, leaving vulnerable patients in a bind, says USA Today, and IN News. “Bosses have pushed us to strike by refusing to seriously consider our proposals to address the desperate crisis of unsafe staffing that harms our patients,” said a union representative from The Nurses Association to USA Today.


Re-negotiated contracts and tentative agreements were reached in New York, some involving a raise of 5-7% over the next three years for nursing staff, as well as staffing increases, says Today. Negotiations in the UK came to an agreement on March 16, with more than 1 million NHS staff receiving a raise, says


Shortage in Radiologists

It’s not just nurses that are in shortage, but also those in the radiology field as well. Luckily, partnering with a teleradiology company like Vesta allows you to fill in those gaps you have—whether you’re short-staffed for weekend work or simply need reliable interpretations around the clock. Vesta also offers top-to-bottom healthcare staffing from its sister company, Momentum Healthcare Staffing for positions such as locums tenens and permanent nurse practitioners, physicians, medical assistants and more.


Practice Management: How to Soothe Patient Concerns over Diagnostic Imaging

Being told that you need diagnostic imaging can be scary. Healthcare professionals deal with diagnostic imaging every day, so they may become immune to the concerns of patients.

Still, amidst patients’ fear of diagnostic imaging, healthcare professionals can set their minds at ease.

The main thing to remember is to simply treat your patients like humans. Slow down, treat them with kindness, and really listen to their concerns. Doing these simple things can go a long way in setting your patients’ minds at ease.

What Concerns Do Patients Have About Diagnostic Imaging?

One of the most common concerns amongst patients is the claustrophobia caused by MRI machines. Dealing with the tight space of an MRI machine can be very stressful for patients dealing with claustrophobia and anxiety.

Regarding X-rays, patients are often concerned about their radiation exposure. They fear that the imaging may put them at increased risk for cancer.

Treat Your Patient Like a Person

One of the most common complaints from patients is that they don’t feel like the person working with them is treating them with care and understanding.


talking to your patients
Address the patients concerns

Smile and say hello when you first enter the room. Something as small as a smile can instantly put a person’s mind at ease, especially in a clinical setting that is scary for many patients.

Always refer to the patient by their name. Never refer to them as “the patient” while they are in earshot. Doing so sounds cold, while using their name makes the interaction feel more personal.

Maintain eye contact with your patient. Don’t look at their chart so much that you forget to make them feel like they’re being heard. Eye contact can make them less anxious, especially if they’ve been waiting a long time or have specific fears.

Make sure you sit — standing over a seated patient can be intimidating.

Listen & Understand

Health Management emphasizes how important it is to listen to your patient and ask questions. Let them explain what is going on before you begin to speak. Don’t interrupt them. If they have something to add while you’re talking, allow them to interject and listen to what they say.

Giving your patient space to speak can clarify any confusion on both parts.

After they have finished, reiterate what they’ve said to ensure you understand their concerns. Doing so shows the patient that you are interested in helping them and have respect for their situation. It also ensures that both the patient and healthcare provider are on the same page with treatment going forward.

Also, remember to slow down. Many patients feel that healthcare providers are in a rush, that they’re wasting their time, and that the provider would rather be elsewhere. Patients deserve to feel that their time is valued. Slowing down also helps patients to feel like they are heard and understood.

Watch Your Tone

Patients often come to healthcare providers with sensitive information that can make them feel vulnerable. Health Management encourages professionals to speak to patients with a warm, calm tone of voice. It can do a lot to set their mind at ease. Speaking more slowly can do the same.

Educate Your Patients

Lawrence T. Dauer et al. say professionals should educate their patients. They should know exactly what’s happening during the imaging and what effects the imaging may have on their bodies.

For example, many patients fear how much radiation they’re getting. Explain that they are receiving very little radiation exposure.

Don’t lie to them. Professionals know that repeated exposure, a person’s age, and other factors may increase risk. Patients deserve to know that, but you can set their minds at ease by explaining their risks.

Patients should always have informed consent. They should know precisely what they’re going into and be okay with it. Consent is not just about getting the patient to sign a form. It ensures they are adequately educated about their procedure and entirely on board.

Be Clear

As a healthcare professional, you know a lot of medical and technical jargon that the patient likely does not. Speak straightforwardly, using familiar words. It is crucial that the patient understands what is going on with their treatment.

At the same time, Health Management warns you to be careful not to come across as patronizing. Although patients may not know medical jargon, it doesn’t mean they’re stupid.


Reducing MRI Claustrophobia Concerns

The University of Virginia says the main reason patients are fearful of MRI machines is because they lack understanding of them. Many professionals can ease patients’ minds by informing them that MRI machines are well-lit and open at both ends. They are not closed off and dark, as many patients fear.


patient anxiety
Understand some people may have claustrophobia


Professionals can teach their patients easy breathing and meditation techniques to help keep them calm during the procedure. Another option is to tell them to count to keep their minds busy or to go to their “happy place.”

Provide them with a towel or washcloth they can drape over their eyes so they can’t see what’s going on.

Provide patients with headphones and allow them to listen to their music of choice.

Talk to your patients — about anything — get their minds off the procedure.


Diagnostic imaging can be scary for patients, especially those dealing with anxiety. Medical professionals are critical in setting a patient’s mind at ease, and it’s not hard to do.

Slow down, treat your patients with kindness and respect, and ensure they are properly informed. These simple things can help calm your patients and help you build a lasting professional relationship.

Women in Imaging: Historical and Contemporary Figures Advancing Medicine

March is a month set aside to celebrate women. During this month, Women’s History month, people are encouraged to learn about and celebrate the strong women in their lives and throughout history. But women’s history is wide reaching and all encompassing. There are thousands of women in hundreds of different industries that have made lasting impacts.

One of those industries is the medical industry. Women have left their mark everywhere in medicine and have helped develop new ideas, new medicines and treatments, and new pieces of technology. Let’s take a look at pillars in medical imaging.

History of Medical Imaging

But first, what exactly is medical imaging? This section of the medical industry includes different technologies that help medical professionals view various internal body systems within the human body. Medical imaging is used to find, diagnose, monitor, and even treat different medical conditions or injury.

Each piece of technology encompassed in medical imaging focuses on a different area or system of the body. Take x-rays for example. X-rays are used to view the skeletal system – the bones – of the body. X-rays are used to identify different issues with a patient’s bones and joints. Other types of medical imaging includes ultrasounds, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT), and even mammography.

diagnostic imaging

Medical imaging, as a practice, has been around since the last 19th century. It began with the development of x-rays. The first x-ray was taken in 1895, and since then the industry has grown as new pieces of technology have been developed. And women have played a pivotal role in this development.

Women in Medical Imaging

There have been innumerable women who have had a hand in the development and advancement of medical imaging. Of those, there are a few that we’d like to highlight.

Marie Curie

The first woman of medical imaging was a Polish scientist named Marie Curie. While this name is often familiar to many people, it’s familiar because of her discovery of radium. Radium is a naturally occurring radioactive element that was instrumental to the development of medical imaging.

Without Marie Curie’s discoveries, medical imaging may not exist, or would at least have been seriously delayed. Medical imaging uses radiation to see within the human body, so Marie Curie and her developments were imperative.

Florence Ada Stoney

Florence Ada Stoney was a radiologist during World War I. While she may not have created a new technology or radiology treatment, she was the lynchpin of women’s participation in medical imaging and radiology.

Florence Ada Stoney
Florence Ada Stoney in the center pictured with her sister and father

Stoney was not allowed to serve in the x-ray department of a London hospital during the war effort because she was a woman. Rather than admit defeat, Stoney created a volunteer unit comprised entirely of women. In 1915, Stoney was hired as the head of the Fulham Military Hospital’s x-ray department – the first time a woman headed such a department.

Muyinatu Bell

Muyinatu Bell is a modern counterpart of the forerunners of medical imaging. In the mid-2010s, Bell developed a new ultrasound technique that produces higher-quality images and is most effective for use in obese patients.

Without these women, modern medical imaging wouldn’t be where it is today. But this list is not exhaustive. There are countless more women who have found their place in medical imaging and left their mark.

While the number of women actively working in medical imaging is rarely higher 30%, no matter what area or discipline, they are still making serious gains. Women are a small portion of the medical imaging world, but they are mighty.